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Frequently Asked Questions

» Will my vehicle still pass emission tests? 

The RalliTronic Power Enhancement will not significantly change the vehicles emission compared to a test in series. Emission tests are part of the TÜV-homologation.

» Will the RalliTronic result in extra wear of components such as the engine or gearbox? 

The additional power and torque from the RalliTronic is realized within the technical and mechanical limits of a specific model. Maintaining engine, gearbox and drive train lifetime is of paramount importance during development. Relevant parameters have been closely monitored during extensive tests. The implemented safety features ensure that the mechanical and thermal strain on components stay as close as possible to series.

» Will the update or diagnosis functions change? 

No, the vehicle’s ECU (hardware and software) will remain original. Therefore all update and diagnostic functions will remain as they are. The performance increase is immune to ECU updates during maintenance.

» Will the insurance change? 

This is depending on your insurance policy. In general however the insurance will not change. It is highly recommended to check this before installing a performance enhancement module and to inform your insurance company after installation.

» Can I take the RalliTronic with me to my new Mitsubishi? 

As long as the engine, gearbox and drivetrain specifications are the same the RalliTronic can be installed on your new vehicle. In case specification has changed or you have switched to a different Mitsubishi model the RalliTronic Power needs to be reprogrammed to the new model and an installation kit for your new car is needed. It is strongly recommended to have your dealer (re-)fit the Power Enhancement.

» Are there additional precautions to be taken after a performance module has been installed? 

Not more than with a standard vehicle. Instructions regarding service intervals should be followed as well as user instructions such as checking oil (level and quality), coolant level, tyres and brake conditions.

» Can I install the RalliTronic myself? 

Yes, but it is recommended to have an authorized dealer perform the installation.

» Is it easy to undo the performance increase? 

Yes the module can be removed easily because of the use of original connectors. It is a matter of unplugging the RalliTronic wiring harness and plugging the original connectors back.

RalliTronic Power Pack